Sunday, March 13, 2016

Guided Message for the week of March 13, 2016

The theme of centeredness comes for us again this week. This time, we are asked to contemplate how flexibility helps sustain everything in our lives, and where centeredness is the dearest companion to flexibility.

from PrayerCards deck by Beth Budesheim
Centeredness is the central axis, the unshakable connection to the core, to our true essence and foundation of who we are. Flexibility is the ability to work with conditions, or circumstances, to bend, to grow, to feel life and like an aikido master adjust body-mind-psyche in such a way that the highest good is maintained. Like a tree in the wind whose branches flex so it remains grounded and unbroken, we are called to incorporate flexibility. 

What area of your life do you need to add a dash of flexibility? Again, the guidance is just to flex a little, not to uproot ourselves and go off center. We are asked to bring flexibility so we can REMAIN centered. So look at what might be pulling you off center right now. Within that, look for where the rigidity is. Is it a rigid unconscious belief (i.e....'I have to work harder', 'I have to close myself off to xyz feelings, it has to be THIS way...) or a pattern that's become too rigid (i.e...working too much, doing the same thing over and over, sending too much time on the computer..etc) ? When you find your rigid area, ask what at the core of your being is truly important, and what flexible action might support your highest good. Be willing to try, to experiment. Flexibility is movement. It explores around the central axis. Our center informs the movement, but the movement also informs our center. ❤️

Current Special: Distance Energy Medicine 

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